Tardigrade AI for Procurement: Strengthen the resilience of your supply chain

How Tardigrade supports Purchasing Departments in their 7 challenges in the face of climate risks

1. Map supply chain vulnerabilities

The Purchasing Department must analyze the exposure of its supply chain to climate risks and identify the critical links likely to create disruptions.

2. Strategically diversify supply sources

It is essential to develop a portfolio of suppliers spread across different geographies and establish alternative sources for critical components.

3. Evaluate suppliers according to resilience criteria

Climate resilience criteria must be integrated into the supplier qualification process and their capacity assessed regularly.

4. Develop supply continuity plans

The Purchasing Department must prepare emergency protocols, build up strategic stocks and develop alternative logistics solutions.

5. Control consumption and manage critical resources

Accurate monitoring of resources sensitive to climate hazards makes it possible to optimize their use and reduce dependence on vulnerable resources.

6. Develop innovative collaborations with suppliers

Partnerships with suppliers enable the co-creation of solutions that anticipate future constraints linked to climate change.

7. Integrate climate risks into the purchasing strategy

Climate risk analysis must be incorporated into sourcing decisions and total cost of ownership calculations.

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